How to Get a Budtender Job with No Experience

There are Learning Opportunities everywhere!

Think about all the legal marijuana states in existence. Arizona, Nevada, California, Colorado, Washington, among the others. There are thirty-six states that have medical marijuana; and eighten states and the District of Columbia who have legalized adult use marijuana. Over forty countries have implemented medical marijuana. These kind of numbers lead to the belief that legal marijuana is becoming a major job creation source for the world.

Now is an exciting time to consider a career in an emerging industry. Working as a budtender is a good way to get involved because there’s no experience quite like face-to-face experience. You may want to brush up on all your cannabis communications research. We suggest visiting Leafly to get familiar with strains.

How to get a dispensary job with no experience

In order to move up within any job, you have to earn your way through the ranks. It isn’t any different in dispensaries.

Depending on the dispensary, budtenders can be some of the greatest assets working there and they’re always at the center of attention when it comes to patients and customers.

By getting a job inside a dispensary, you can get your foot in the door and start working your way toward management. Working as a budtender exposes you to customers in a way that makes them happy, you are also providing them with legal access to cannabis.  After budtending for a while and getting a feel for dispensary culture and how the industry works, you can move up by shadowing the lead budtender.

What else should I know?

Before moving on to the application processs of a job, you may still have questions. If winging it doesn’t sound quite sound appealing, then you could always choose to take budtending classes if you want to get a dispensary job with no experience. By taking Budtending 101, you’ll learn everything that you need to know when it comes to talking to customers about medical marijuana. This course covers six units of material centered around patient-focused service.

When it comes to budtending school, you’ll study under individuals who have worked in the professional side of cannabis, and learn the skills you need to be able to keep up with the challenging work of running a dispensary. Here’s where we come in.

Herbal Risings Marijuana Business Education was one of the first in the world to offer an online Budtender School that serves students worldwide who want to get involved with budtending. We know exactly what it takes for someone to get a budtending job. That’s why our instructors provide students with the knowledge they need through real-life training experiences in group setting.

We also have easy-to-follow comprehensive online courses if zoom classrooms aren’t your thing.

Once you’ve finished with your classes, we offer you opportunities to find a job through our aftercare job placement program, a program set up with several partners who have relied on us for years to provide them with both part-time and full time referrals.

With our dedication and the quality of education that we provide, no other budtending school can compare to us!

Are you ready to learn more about working in a dispensary? If the answer is yes, then start a chat with an advisor.

We’ll help you shine, even if you have no experience!

Browse our course catalog

photo credit – Kate Ter Haar

Herbal Risings