Testing Guidelines

MISSION: It is the mission of the Testing Policy Department to implement the Herbal Risings Testing Program by developing and providing policies, guidelines, procedures, and ethical testing practices that meet federal and state requirements related to the area of securing tests, administering and scoring tests, reporting scores, and interpreting test results.

1. Assure all your answers have been completed and marked GREEN prior to submitting your quiz.

2. You may start your course and return at a later time. Courses offered at HerbalRisings.com are not timed; however, if you skip units or material, the learning system will disqualify you.

3. Your course must be submitted at completion in order to be scored. Any course which is not submitted is considered incomplete.

4. A cannot may be disqualified upon the disclosure or discovery of:
-Criminal conduct involving the candidate
-Violation of the testing policies set forth by Herbal Risings

Herbal Risings reserves the right to investigate a candidate’s background, verify candidate eligibility and deny certification to any individual.

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