Get a medical marijuana recommendation in Oklahoma

Do you have a chronic condition? Would you like to know how to get a medical marijuana recommendation from your doctor?

Here’s what you should know.

To buy from an Oklahoma dispensary, you must have a medical marijuana recommendation from a doctor to become a registered OMMA patient. The process is just like any other health exam. You complete an intake form that includes background about your medical history. The doctor will complete an examination who will then make the recommendation if cannabis is right for you.

Costs to obtain your card varies and some locations offer discounts for veterans and food stamp recipients. In some states, costs to obtain a medical marijuana card can range between $175-$200.

In an effort to offset some of those costs of becoming a medical marijuana patient, some doctors and clinics offer lower pricing during special events.  Last September, a Tulsa neurologist hosted a special medical marijuana event and charged $100 for exams and $50 for veterans.

medical marijuana  recommendation card

Tips to prepare for your medical marijuana doctor visit:

1. Be well-formed on cannabis. Make sure you have a medical reason for talking to your doctor about cannabis. Do your research and know how cannabis can help you manage your symptoms. If you have arthritis, for example, be able to communicate how cannabis can help your inflammation and chronic pain.

2. Be honest about past experiences. Tell your doctor why cannabis might help you. Share your experiences if you’ve tried it before and had a noticeable improvement in your condition.

3. Talk about the type of cannabis that can help you. If you’ve done your research, you should have a good idea if you want a sativa or indica. If you’re not sure, it might be beneficial to take a Budtending class to learn about the products.

4. Ask lots of questions. You know what’s best for your body. By now, you’ve already made up your mind to become a cannabis patient. Be sure to ask your doctor to share their opinion on cannabis, and whether they’ve recommended it to other patients.

Visit the website to learn more about obtaining your medical marijuana recommendation.

Want to learn more about cannabis? Browse the course catalog.

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